There are several all in one widgets out there in the market that will provide you with information about your city's weather and current time. XDA member joey3002 wanted something a bit more compact, so he created Maximus Clock. The widget can provide you with time, weather, and battery information, all in a single widget. However, unlike others of its kind like Fancy Widget, Sense, etc, this one has everything encased in the analog clock itself, so the widget itself is rather small, and as such will leave you with the ability to use the remaining real estate in your home screen for other shortcuts/widgets that you may want to have instead.

Please leave some feedback for the dev and suggestions to see if this widget can be improved.

It is a 2x2 widget that shows your battery level around the clock, the current weather inside the clock and of course the analog clock. Its free but I also have a donation ($1.00) one as well.

You can find more information in the widget thread.

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