APKTool v0.9.2 is a tool developed by XDA member Brut.all for re-engineering third party Android apps.

It can be used for localising, or adding features for custom platforms - it is not intended for piracy and other illegal uses.

Originally posted by Brut.all

  • Helping with some repetitive tasks
  • Decoding resources to nearly original form
  • Updating resource IDs contained in app code after resources repackaging
  • Many apps supported
  • Smali, baksmali and Android resources built-in

Currently APKTool only runs on Linux, but Brut.all has started work on a Windows version.  Also framework-res.apk cannot be decrypted since it (and other system files) appear to be built using some of Google's private tools - but hopefully will be fixed in future developments, for example a custom appt-like tool.

In order to use APKTool, a basic knowledge of the SDK, aapt, PATH and smali is required.

For more information and to download the tool, visit the main application thread, or check out his video on youtube.