Yesterday, we covered a guide by XDA Recognized Developer Dees_Troy on compiling TWRP recovery. As powerful, user friendly, and customizable as TWRP is, some people still prefer other recoveries such as the popular ClockworkMod Recovery.

Yes, we're aware that there's the automated CWM Recovery Builder, which turns the whole affair into a point-and-click affair. But let's face it: The truly nerdy like doing things the old fashioned, hands-on way. It builds character, teaches us a little about development, and is just plain rewarding to do. So once you've decided that you wish to compile CWM the old fashioned way, how exactly do you go about doing so? Depending on your current knowledge level, there are a few places where you can begin.

If you're an absolute beginner, you'll probably need help setting up a build environment, syncing sources, and so on. If this applies to you, first visit a simple and straightforward guide created by Senior Member buffo1987. The guide, while originally intended for the Samsung Galaxy S i9001, can be easily reworked to apply to newer devices. It starts out with installing the needed libraries, creating directories, installing the repo, and syncing. It then continues all the way to compiling the recovery. And as mentioned earlier, there would be some small tweaks that you have to make along the way to get it working on other devices.

If, however, you are a bit more advanced and don't need help with the initial steps involved in building, visit this guide by Recognized Developer Shaaan. His guide forgoes the build environment setup and syncing and is quite a bit more general, so it can easily apply to any number of devices.

Wherever you start, keep in mind that half of the fun in mobile hacking is the journey. Good luck building.