For whatever the reason, some people can simply never find what they are looking for and thus, they end up creati.g their own solutions for their problems. This was the case for XDA member xak944 whom apparently wanted to have battery stats regarding power consumption of his Epic 4G Touch. I know what you are thinking, there are tons of apps out there which could provide this information. However, the dev wanted to have one that could be used via shell. As there was none, this pushed him into researching a bit and ended up with a script to monitor the usage via shell. This will only work on the aforementioned device due to several things being hardcoded in the device itself, but according to the dev, it should be fairly easy to adapt this for others as well.

Please make sure that you have a rooted device with busybox installed. Take it for a spin and leave some feedback if you can.

 I wanted something I could run in a shell (adb) that would give me similar statistics, namely the battery discharge rate. I couldn't find any such tools or scripts, so I wrote one.

You can find more information in the original thread.

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