Editing APK files has always been a pain for most Android developers. There are a lot of things you need to take care of in order to edit the APK files the right way. Several actions are needed to be able to manage those packages, which means your time efficiency will be reduced and time will be wasted. Fortunately, thanks to Android developer and XDA member Daneshm90, a new APK manager is now available, which allows for a much more efficient way to manage your APK's. This manager lets you compile, sign, and install the files very quickly. The application also includes a lot of other features. Here's a list of all features available:

Originally posted by Daneshm90


- Extract, Zip apk's.

- Optimize pngs (ignores .9.pngs)

- Zipalign apks

- Sign apks

- Push to specific location on phone

- Incorporates brut.all's apktool

- Pull apk from phone into modding environment.

- Batch optimize apk

- Quick sign an apk

- Batch Ogg optimization

I think the developer has done a great job, and really hope this will have an impact in the Android development in a positive way.

You can find more information and the download in the application thread.