My mother always told me that security matters. And she was right. Security is important, as right now, devices can be hacked, phished, or scammed in multiple ways. That's why protections are so important, especially in public areas. Security certificates were invented and widely used to prevent thieves from stealing our data.

It appears that security matters to XDA Forum Member forceu as well, as he wrote a guide on installing a custom security certificate to bypass the "Your network could be monitored" message when connecting to certain networks in KitKat. This pop up can be annoying, and it forces you to ignore the message when it could actually matter.

Forceu then discovered that certificate can be pushed to /system/etc/security/cacerts/ folder, and the device will interpret it as a trusted certificate. As a result, that little annoyance will be disabled for good for specific sites of your choosing. The certificate file must be saved in PEM format and edited as suggested in the guide. The device must be rooted to allow copying the file to /system partition. After this process is done, the newly created certificate can be freely enabled or disabled from the trusted certificates list.

Visit the guide thread to learn more.