I would normally go into a big rant on how certain apps for Android are not necessary because of how efficient Android is at managing memory and apps, whether active or not. Apparently, there is always room for improvement as shown by XDA member zeppelinrox V6 Supercharger and everything included in this thread is something that, if you have the time to go through the whole thing, is worth a read. The dev has created various tools and guides that will essentially allow you to make your device far more efficient than it already is when it comes to memory usage and even battery usage. One of the perks of using this tools is that you will not longer have to wait for your home launcher (whichever this may be) to finish redrawing your screen. This means less waiting in between doing different tasks such as browsing and chatting, or even writing. As stated earlier the thread, the first few posts by the OP in particular, are full of information that you must sit down to read if you are interested in learning a few things about the inner workings of Android.

Please leave some feedback for the dev as it will be highly appreciated.

This script will rearrange and optimize android's OOM groupings so that the lowmemorykiller will work the way you want it to.

You can find more information in the original thread.

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Thanks zeppelinrox for the tip!