Building ROMs from source is becoming increasingly popular. While most who decide to build their own ROM do so to learn something new, some share their builds with community. However, ROMs are not always created from scratch. Some features are taken from open source projects that have their code publicly available on a Git.

Big projects with many contributors use the web-based software review tool Gerrit. Using Gerrit is a bit different than Git, and we covered a great guide some time ago. This tool can also be used to cherry-pick single commits, and a simple guide by XDA Senior Member jabza will show newcomers how to do this.

Jabza's guide shows new developers how to use terminal to get one commit and resolve errors afterwards. Jabza uses ParanoidAndroid's Halo as an example, but his instructions can be applied to any other open source project. With just few steps, you will be able to add some useful features to your ROM.

If you're a new developer and you want to learn how to cherry pick useful features from other projects, make your way to the guide thread and give it a shot.