Since the inception of text messaging, people all over the world are utilizing it as their main form of communication. One of the great things about texting, is the ability to  carry on a full conversation without any urgency to respond.  Text messaging does have its downfalls, however. For one, without hearing the tone in someones voice, something texted can often be misinterpreted.  For instance, how do you really know if  the person on the other end is madly in love with you or just a casual acquittance?

XDA member panchopunk has created a fun app that  uses scientific algorithms to analyse your relationships through text messaging.

You will get a meaningful description and/or advice of each contact concerning your relationship with them and see which relationships are lacking and need work. The more text messages you have stored up on your phone, the more accurate the analysis will be. Watch your relationships grow over time as you work to strengthen any relationship that may be lacking in your life.

So, if you are curious whether friend 'A' is in love with you or friend 'B' secretly is stalking you, head over to the application thread or the android market to download Relationship Analysis.