Once upon a time, a white knight in shinning armor by the name of XDA Elite Recognized Developer AdamOutler brought us tons upon tons of knowledge on hardware specifications for the Samsung Galaxy Captivate and a few other related devices. He and a few other devs like XDA Forum Member TheBeano and Recognized Developer UberPinguin also brought us the key to opening up an door for hardware mischief, and in turn revealed an entire world of possibilities for aspiring devs and end users alike. Not every device is the same, and certainly setting up UART can have its set of complications, including but not limited to, messing your device up to the point of no return (also known as completely bricking it).

XDA Recognized Developer bhundven has decided to try and help pave the way for aspiring hardware developers who are not afraid of cracking their devices open and seeing what they had for lunch. Setting up USB UART this way should allow you to mess with most Galaxy S (not SII or SIII) devices with ease. The guide will teach you how to set things up, what programs to use, what hardware you will need, and certain commands for you to have some fun with once you mastered what you are doing (such as wiping the SBL partition completely clean).

Please, please, make sure that you read everything 2, 3, or as many times as you need to before you try doing any of this. You will be messing with the device's internals, so it is incredibly easy to mess things up. Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, have at it and good luck!

 Hello, and welcome to my usb uart guide - aka, how to totally f' your phone up, if you don't think first!

You can find more information in the guide thread.

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