APKTool has been one of the main, and probably most influential application editing tools for quite some time on the Android platform. It has been available for Android users ever since devices had physical keyboards, back when Android seemed like just an experimental project. The first versions of the tool were released in 2010, so this was at the time when the Eclair ruled the world. APKTool in its many variations is still one of the most popular ways to change the contents of an app or stock firmware.

Using APKTool on Windows is very easy and doesn't require much in the way of technical skills. All you need to do is download the script, executing it, and you're done. Setting up this tool on different operating systems requires a bit of a work. XDA Senior Member nilac8991 has shown how to use APKTool on the one of the most popular Linux distributions, Ubuntu. The guide contains the basic information about installing Java, Android SDK, and essential libraries needed for APKTool to work.

The whole process is very easy and can be done by every Linux beginner in no more than 5 minutes. Keep in mind though, that some distributions use different package managers like AUR or RPM, so you need to change the commands accordingly.

If you are new to Linux and you would love to use APK Tool, head over to the APK Tool on Ubuntu thread to learn more.