As we've said in the past, there are quite a few calculators available on Android. Essentially, if there's any particular kind of simple or elaborate calculation you'd like to perform, there is undoubtedly an app for that. And with the previously linked Numix Calculator, you can perform standard calculations with gorgeous Material Design style. But as always, having even more choice is never a bad thing, especially when these choices help fill particular niches not yet occupied by any other app.

XDA Senior Member thotran7989 recently created a smart new calculator app called Calc+. As its name alludes, it offers a bit more than standard calculator functionality. For starters, Calc+ lets you touch already entered numbers and operators to modify them on the fly. In other words, you can reuse your previous calculations to see how the results change when modifying variables. Additionally, you can easily define constants that you use frequently, customize the interface with various themes, and even modify the display font. All of this adds up to an extremely smart and powerful calculator that also looks great.

While Calc+ doesn't offer advanced graphing or equation solving functions like some of the other options we've looked at in the past, it's still a great option for those who need a simple calculator that also happens to be smart and beautiful. Head over to the Calc+ application thread to get started.