If you use Pastebin---whether as a collaborative tool, a quick and easy way to share text, or simply to have a look at what others are pasting---read on because this application may be of interest to you. XDA member H3R3T1C has created DroidPaste, a feature rich app that allows you to access your Pastebin account from your Android device.

Aside from allowing you to read pastes, DroidPaste allows you to make new pastes and share them, either from your own account or anonymously. The application also offers other useful features that may not be present in apps of a similar nature such as:

  • Viewing trending pastes
  • Syntax highlighting for code (with varying themes)
  • Create new paste from clipboard or file
  • The ability to open pastebin links within the app

The application's UI is optimized for both phones and tablets, and the app itself runs on devices sporting Android 2.1 or above. The developer states that since this is a work-in-progress, new features will be added in the future. Furthermore, he is also welcome to any suggestions for features to be added.

Those interested should head over to the application thread.