If you are an Android dev looking into the newest shipped roms to extract things likes apks, drivers, and such, you are probably aware that extracting the rom.zip out of the .exe package is a bit tricky. Particularly, because if you are using any Linux distro, you have a very short time to look for the needed files before the system crashes while doing this, erasing the whole thing in the process. In order to solve this, XDA member MartinEve made a little script that will automatically extract the rom.zip from the installer.

Give the app a go and report some feedback for the developer.

For the first time, I today attempted to extract a rom.zip from a shipped rom release (.exe) on Linux.

The process is problematic as, after launching the executable using wine, the application crashes, deleting all its files. You therefore have to be *very* quick looking inside the ~/.wine/users/username/Temp folder for the rom.zip.

Anyway, I have knocked up a quick python script that will monitor this directory for rom.zip and copy it to your home folder.

The only modification you need to make before running is to change the username field to your own username. I would have used getpass to obtain this but, for some reason, on certain systems you need to use sudo which messes this up.

You can find more information in the application thread.