One of the most important and vulnerable parts of our devices is the connection port. Be it proprietary or through USB, it not only serves the very important purpose of allowing us to gain root, sync, and transfer files to and from our PC, but it also (in most cases anyways) allows you to charge the device. As time goes by, the ports themselves may start to "lose grip" simply because of all the mechanical strain of pushing the connector in and pulling it out afterwards. When you buy a new device, it may actually be hard to unplug the connector, but it gets quite easier after some time. After the some more time has passed, the connector may not be able to hold the cable in place anymore. If this sounds like something you are going through, XDA Forum Member telmosousa has posted a guide which may help you with your issue.

The dev was fell victim to the aforementioned fate, where his Micro USB was no longer staying in place. So, instead of sending the device out for service, he took the device and checked that what was truly preventing the connector to stay in place was in fact dirt and lint accumulated inside the port, mainly due to keeping the device in his pocket. With the help of a brushed and sharp wooden toothpick (to avoid using metal in the connector area), the dev picked out the garbage out of the inside of the connector. The results were immediate, and the device once again held the cable in place while charging it.

If you are in the same boat, take this for a spin and see if the procedure works for you. Please do remember that the toothpick must be sharpened as it likely will be too thick to fit in the port otherwise. Using metal objects (like needles) is NOT recommended, but if you must use them, ensure that you remove the battery before starting.

 A while ago I noticed that my micro USB cable does not fit well on my U8800 and when I picked up my phone the cable the cable always fall out without doing any force.

You can find more information in the original guide thread.

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