You may remember a while back, we talked about an APK tool called... well, Apktool by XDA member Brut.all. If you thought that was good, then wait until you put your hands on what XDA member Anoniem100 has prepared for us. Using Brut.all's tool as a base, the dev created a GUI to make the use of this tool much, much easier and user-friendly. APK Edit will allow the end user to change things like the application's icon, the text, and even the app's name. The interface is rather intuitive and straight forward, so if you are pressed for time and need to quickly change something in the apk, this will help greatly!

Please leave some feedback if you found this useful or if you can think of ways to improve it.

Ever wanted to simply change an icon on your Android phone and found yourself lost in the endless lists of forum posts saying: you have to change heaven and earth to do this...


You can find more information in the application thread.

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