Firefox is one of the few web browsers left with a non-Chromium rendering engine engine, giving Mozilla the ability to try out new web features and low-level performance changes in a way that most other browsers can’t (without essentially becoming a fork, anyway). Firefox 95 rolled out last month with new security features and some macOS enhancements, and now Firefox 96 is officially available.

Firefox 96 on desktop platforms (via TechDows) should be better than ever for video and audio calls, as Mozilla has "made significant improvements" to noise suppression, automatic gain control, and echo cancellation. Many communication platforms have their own noise cancellation technology, but if you happen to use a service that doesn't, Firefox should at least help a little bit. Firefox also now uses the "Same-Site=lax" HTTP header by default when receiving data, which improves security.

Firefox 96 on Android isn't quite as substantial of an update, but there are still a few welcome changes. The home page has higher-quality icons for recent bookmarks, and some interface elements have been fixed or improved. Nothing major, but definitely

You can download Firefox for desktop platforms from Mozilla’s website, and it’s available on the Play Store for Android devices. Mozilla also recently made Firefox available on the Microsoft Store for Windows PCs.

Firefox Fast & Private Browser Developer: Mozilla
Price: Free